Shopping Advice From The Queen…Er, I Mean Shop-Aholic

I may or may not be a shopaholic. Okay, okay…cough cough…I am! Wow, that hurt to admit. I never used to be! I blame it solely on boredom. You try lying in bed 24/7 and see what happens. I have read soooooo many dirty – I mean romance – novels. I’ve watched and re-watched sooooooo many HGTV decorating shows. I watch TV and movies. I can only sleep so much people! And the rest kind of gets boring so I shop! At least now I can give you all great tips! Right?

The first step in getting great deals is to sign up to Ebates. If you shop for ANYTHING online, and I mean anything going to Ebates first will get you not only cash back but often coupon codes and discounts. Ebates is an online mall and they are constantly adding new stores. Whether you’re online looking for clothing, shoes, beauty products, flowers for your Mom (it is soon Mother’s Day), travel, appliances, banking, ect. ect. ect…you go to Ebates first. Then you can either look for a specific store or you can look for a store under that category. And just like that you are not only earning cash but you’re also saving!

Link to Ebates

The second step is to sign up for promotional emails from your favorite stores. I know what you are going to say. “Lisa, I don’t want all those emails clogging up my inbox!” If you’re like me, all of those emails will end up in a different folder or junk mail. Do not use your work email! If you do this I promise that you will be singing my praises! Stores often have “Friends and Family” promotions which now includes you because you signed up. You will save, save, save!

The third piece of advice I have is to shop your flyers and clip coupons. Shop the sales people! And whenever possible, combine all three of my steps.

Happy shopping!


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